교수 정보 (Faculty Information)
이름 (Name)
William Nace
Carnegie Mellon University
Professor CV→
- Teaching Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
- Chairs the ECE Program Assessment Committee, Carnegie Mellon University
- Former Chief Scientist and Technical Director of the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
프로그램 개요 (Program Overview)
— Korea’s first on-site research program bringing world-class scholars directly to students! Three intensive weeks that dive you deep into the world of Algorithms and Game Design.
*Last updated on November 1, 2025. The professor will adjust the final version based on the actual student backgrounds and interests.
프로그램 상세 설명 (Program Details)
Program Objectives
- Explore Advanced Topics: Over the course of three weeks, immerse yourself in the dynamic field of computer science, digital design and Networks with renowned professors from world-leading universities.
- Develop Research Skills: Identify a research question, perform literature reviews, and develop a data-driven solution with hands-on mentorship.
- Create Impact: Work toward producing a high-quality research paper or proposal that showcases technical excellence.
Program Duration: July 28, 2025 - August 7, 2025, Seoul, Onsite
Key Learning Content
Depending upon the details of the games being developed in the class, additional topics will be
taught. These may include:
- Artificial intelligence foes
- Sound design
- 3d rendering
- Networking, multi-player support