교수 정보 (Faculty Information)
이름 (Name)
Brian Stoltz
California Institute of Technology
Curriculum Vitae →
- Professor of Chemistry, Caltech
- Director, The Stoltz Group, Caltech
- 2017 Feynman Prize Winner
프로그램 개요 (Program Overview)
“From Historical Milestones to Cutting-Edge Synthesis: Master the Art of Organic Chemistry!”
— A Long-term program designed for high school or college students to deeply explore significant organic molecules, tackle challenging retrosynthesis, and design intricate pathways to create your own molecular masterpieces!
*Last updated on November 1, 2025. The professor will adjust the final version based on the actual student backgrounds and interests.
프로그램 상세 설명 (Program Details)
Program Objectives
- In about six months, delve into Structure, Reactivity, and Synthesis alongside world-renowned organic chemistry experts and research mentor from top universities.
- Master core organic chemistry concepts and, with personalized guidance from professors, develop a graduate-level research proposal or review paper tailored to your interests.
Program Duration: January 2025 - August 2025 Hybrid Program
Key Learning Content
- January: Prerequisite Knowledge (RA-led)
- An introductory overview of the fundamental principles and concepts of Organic Chemistry
- February: Research Training (RA-led)
- Foundational research skills & Core methodologies of scientific research
- March-Mid April: Advanced Lectures (Professor + RA)
- Specific topics in Organic Chemistry & Move towards applications and current debates
- May: No classes - Students prepare teams and project direction